Affording The Dahlia School of San Francisco.

The Dahlia School offers and plans to accept tuition assistance programs as we believe educational opportunities should be available to families in our community regardless of financial means. It is our goal that at least two-thirds of our families receive some form of financial support.

2025/2026 Standard Tuition Rates

Learn about what financial aid and customized tuition programs may be available to your family below.


  • Children approximately 5 to 12 years old by September 1 (includes Kindergarten.)

    • Academic Day: $0 - $32,600  annually (3pm pickup Mon through Fri)

    • Extended Day: $0 - $38,600annually (5:30pm pickup Mon-Thurs, 4:30pm on Fri)

    • Drop-off is 8 - 8:30am Mon - Thurs, 9am on Fri

  • 7.5% additional fee for monthly tuition payments (not applicable for customized tuition recipients)

  • Tuition schedules above are for 10 month school year August 2024 – May 2025.

  • Tuition includes healthy plant-based lunch and snacks daily, books and educational materials, all school supplies, uniforms, technology (ipads/laptops and accessories), outdoor education, field trips, laboratory fees, yearbooks, and athletic uniforms.

  • Extended Day is currently guaranteed for families that have enrolled in Extended Day programming for the year.

  • Daily Drop-In Extended Care may be available for a daily rate of $35 per day (scholarship rates apply). May include additional enrichment programs such as gardening, knitting, art, chess, dance, music, afternoon tea time and sports and STEM.

  • Summer months are optional, and customized tuition discounts of up to 50% off for Dahlia Scholars.

  • Drop-off during summer months is 8:30 - 9am.

  • Scholarships and customized tuition are available (See below for information.)


  • Children approximately 3 to 6 years old by September 1 (includes Kindergarten) - some exceptions may be made for currently enrolled families.

  • Half Day: $0 - $30,250 annually (1pm pickup Mon – Fri)

  • Academic Day: $0 - $34,750 annually (3pm pickup Mon through Fri)

  • Extended Day: $0 - $39,250 annually (5:30pm pickup Mon-Thurs, 4:30pm on Fri)

  • Drop-off is 8 - 8:30am Mon-Thurs, 9am on Fri

  • 7.5% fee on monthly tuition payments (not applicable for customized tuition recipients)

  • Tuition schedules above are for 10 month school year August 2023 – May 2024.

  • Tuition includes healthy plant-based lunch and snacks daily, books and educational materials, all school supplies, uniforms, outdoor education, field trips, yearbooks.

  • Extended Day is available for a daily rate (space permitting) of $35 per day for 2-2.5 hours and $65 for 4.5 hours (scholarship rates apply). May include additional enrichment activities such as free art, park visits, music and outdoor time.

  • Summer months are optional, at the student’s same monthly rate as the prior school year, however drop-off during these months is 8:30 - 9am.

  • Scholarships and customized tuition are available (See below for information.)


  • Children approximately 18 months to 3 years old by the first day of the school year.

  • Children younger than 2 by December 31 will have two school years in Toddler Community before transitioning to Primary.

  • Families that would like to hold space until their child turns 18 months old will be requested to pay for the months held.

    • Half Day: $0 - $31,600 annually (1pm pickup Mon – Fri)

    • Extended Day 1: $0 -  $36,600 annually (3pm pickup Mon – Fri)

    • Extended Day 2: $0 - $41,600 annually (5:30pm pickup Mon – Thurs, 4:30pm Fri)

    • Drop-off is 8 - 8:30am Mon-Thurs, 9am on Fri

  • 7.5% fee on monthly tuition payments (not applicable for customized tuition recipients)

  • Tuition schedules above are for 10 month school year August 2023 – May 2024.

  • Tuition includes healthy plant-based lunch and snacks daily, books and educational materials, all school supplies, uniforms, outdoor education, yearbooks.

  • Extended Day is available for a daily rate (space permitting) of $35 per day for 2-2.5 hours and $65 for 4.5 hours (scholarship rates apply). May include enrichment activities such as free art, park visits, music and outdoor time.

  • Summer months are optional, at the student’s same monthly rate as the prior school year, however drop-off during these months is 8:30 - 9am.

  • Scholarships and customized tuition are available (See below for information.)

Enrollment fees

One-time enrollment: $0 - 2,750 (Depending on customized tuition program)

Annual re-enrollment: $0 - 650 (Depending on customized tuition program)

New uniforms option: $375

*Prices subject to change.

It’s simple, I would argue this is the most diverse private school in San Francisco. I’ve never seen anything like it in the city. I’m not going to get into races or ethnicities, I just recommend walking by and looking through the glass windows. This is what a school should look like.
— Nic B.

Financial Aid and Customized Tuition Programs

Please indicate on your application if you would like to apply or are eligible for any of the programs below. We recommend families with 2020 household incomes less than $356K or other extenuating circumstances to apply. Learn more about how to qualify for these programs below, or contact us for support at

The Dahlia School of San Francisco logo

Dahlia Scholars.

The Dahlia School offers a need-based tuition assistance program as we believe educational opportunities should be available to families in our community regardless of financial means. Families can find more information on our application as well as indicate whether they would like to apply for the program.

San Francisco Office of Early Care & Education Logo

Early Learning Scholarship.

The Early Learning Scholarship provides financial assistance to pay for quality early care and education to eligible San Francisco families with children 0-6 years old. Students must begin by the age of 4. Families receiving the scholarship pay a membership fee to ELS, which is determined by income and family size. ELS then sponsors the student at The Dahlia School toddler and primary programs

View our customized tuition information session below